RUNAIR – handling and storage
By controlling everything from Frankfurt, in addition to our main focus, which lies on transport, we can also offer other individual and versatile storage and logistic services.
Whether it comes to a suitable long time storage for a certain product or just a short time interim storage, our warehouses monitored by video and alarm are also a good place for theft-endangered goods. With our warehouse space, which is over 50.000 qm nationwide, it is easy to make the handling flexible and fast.
By commissioning, sorting, neutralisation and repacking as well as customs handling we round off our comprehensive service. Therefore, we offer you the ideal conditions for an optimal process.
Your RUNAIR - Advantages:
- gapless documentation
- needs-based short time storage
- video and alarm monitored storage for theft-endangered goods
- packing, repacking, commissioning out of one hand
- customs handling